la plata造句

"la plata"是什么意思   


  1. Via de la plata
  2. The capital and largest city of uruguay , in the southern part of the country on the r o de la plata estuary
  3. The first seminar was held in la plata city , in response to a request from a sincere local spiritual seeker
    第一场讲座是应一位诚心求法的女士请求,于拉普拉大市la plata举行。
  4. Buenos aires , a orillas del r o de la plata , es una de las ciudades m s pobladas del mundo ( m s de 12 millones de habitantes )
    布宜诺斯艾利斯位于拉普拉塔河畔,是世界上人口最多的城市之一(超过一千两百万居民) 。
  5. After coming across one of master s fliers in buenos aires , she felt so inspired to know more about master s teachings that she offered us a venue in la plata to hold a video seminar , and invited numerous friends
  6. It's difficult to find la plata in a sentence. 用la plata造句挺难的
  7. In addition to their artistic interest , these missions are a reminder of the jesuits ' christianization of the rio de la plata basin in the 17th and 18th centuries , with the accompanying social and economic initiatives
  8. Lead author zulma gasparini of argentina ' s national university of la plata said the " animal ' s anatomy is really a contrast with that of the other sea crocs that developed during the jurassic , " about 135 million years ago
    研究报告主要撰写人阿根廷国立大学的祖玛盖斯帕里尼也表示,这种巨鳄的身体结构和那些生活在约1 . 35亿年前侏罗纪时期的其它海洋鳄鱼有着很大的差异。
  9. Professor at the university of buenos aires ( argentina ) and the national university of la plata ( argentina ) secretary of the pre - legislative commission for the amendment the argentine civil code of 1998 ; advisor of the commission for the amendment of the civil code of puerto rico
    阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学和拉普拉塔国立大学教授; 1998年阿根廷民法典修正案预备立法委员会秘书;波多黎各民法典修正案委员会顾问。
  10. But my thoughts were a little suspended , when i had a serious discourse with the spaniard , and when i understood that there were sixteen more of his countrymen and portuguese , who having been cast away , and made their escape to that side , liv d there at peace indeed with the savages , but were very sore put to it for necessaries , and indeed for life : i ask d him all the particulars of their voyage , and found they were a spanish ship bound from the rio de la plata to the havana , being directed to leave their loading there , which was chiefly hides and silver , and to bring back what european goods they could meet with there ; that they had five portuguese seamen on board , who they took out of another wreck ; that five of their own men were drowned when the first ship was lost , and that these escaped thro infinite dangers and hazards , and arriv d almost starv d on the cannibal coast , where they expected to have been devour d every moment
  11. Had the stern of the ship been fix d , and the forepart broken off , i am perswaded i might have made a good voyage ; for by what i found in these two chests , i had room to suppose , the ship had a great deal of wealth on board ; and if i may guess by the course she steer d , she must have been bound from the buenos ayres , or the rio de la plata , in the south part of america , beyond the brasils , to the havana , in the gulph of mexico , and so perhaps to spain : she had no doubt a great treasure in her ; but of no use at that time to any body ; and what became of the rest of her people , i then knew not


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  7. "la plata basin"造句
  8. "la plata city hall"造句
  9. "la plata county"造句
  10. "la plata county airport"造句

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